能でクリスマスキャロルを楽しもう! A NOH CHRISTMAS CAROL at Theatre of Yugen

12月6日から29日まで、サンフランシスコにあるTheatre of Yugenにて、ニック・イシマル氏が監督を務める A Noh Christmas Carol が公演される。Theatre of Yugen(幽玄)は、野村万作や野村四郎に師事した土居由理子氏によって1978年に設立され、現在にいたるまでアメリカでの能や狂言の教育の場として、多くの舞台芸術家に影響を与えて来た。A Noh Christmas Carol は土井氏が脚本を務め、1993年に初公演された。イシマル氏が監督するのは今回で3度目、そして最後になる。能、狂言、歌舞伎の演技が場面やキャラクターごとに使い分けられ、台詞は殆んど英語ながら、ゆっくりで分かり易い。発声や抑揚も能、歌舞伎のスタイルがしっかり再現され、所々日本語の台詞や童謡がつかわれている。

A Noh Christmas Carol, directed by Nick Ishimaru, will be played at Theatre of Yugen from December 6th to 29th. Theatre of Yugen was established in 1978 by Yuriko Doi – who has studied Noh and Kyogen under Mansaku Nomura and Shiro Nomura – and as a Noh and Kabuki education center, it has played an important role in introducing the traditional Japanese performance art to the U.S. A Noh Christman Carol was written by Doi and had its premiere in 1993, and this year is Ishimaru’s third year to direct the play. The play incorporates Noh, Kyogen, Kabuku styles accordingly to the scene and character. Most of the script is in English, but it is spoken in the slow Noh or Kabuki style, so it is easy to understand. You will also hear Douyou(童謡 Japanese folk songs) and some Japanese lines, which create some nostalgic and unique effects.

スクルージ・エベゾを演じる Ryan Marchand as Ebezo Sukurooji

主役のスクルージ・エベゾを演じるRyan Marchand氏は今回初主演だが、舞台に登場した瞬間から観客を引き込むような迫力ある歌舞伎スタイルで欲深いスクルージを見事に演じ、器量の高い出演者の中でも特に目を見張る演技を見せる。「その発声は歌舞伎ではなく狂言だ」と監督に何度も注意され、歌舞伎の発声を身につけるのに苦労したという彼だが、発声はもちろん、摺り足や表情だけの演技、小道具を最小限にし扇子を箸や筆に見立てるといった日本の伝統芸能の演技法を隅々まで取り入れ、見事に再現している。

Ryan Marchand plays the main character Ebezo Sukurooji this year. It is his first time playing the role, but he shows tremendous aura the moment he enters the stage. He effectively portrays the greedy Sukurooji in the powerful Kabuki style and shows impressive acts among other talented performers. “While I was practicing Kyogen, I was told my voice sounded too Kabuki. Now I get to play in Kabuki, and I’ve been told my voice sounded too Kyogen. It has been challenging to get it right,” commented Marchand. The play is carefully directed to incorporate the traditional Japanese acting techniques effectively. Stage props are kept minimum as well; Sensu is used as a brush or chopsticks, and some scenes are played only with facial expressions, which create some right intensity.


The basic storyline is the same as the original A Christmas Carol. The ghosts of Christmas take Sukurooji to the past, present, and future to remind him of something more valuable than money. However, the time is in the Meiji era Japan, and the ghosts show up in the Noh style – which makes the play one of a kind. The ghosts speak to Sukurooji, sometimes humorously, sometimes intimidatingly, and change Sukurooji’s persona.


This unique play will reintroduce you to the Japanese tradition in a new way and make the end of the year something memorable.

A Noh Christmas Carol
12/6 – 29 (25 closed)

Ticket:theatreofyugen.org (Student $15 / General $35 / VIP $45)
Time:Wed-Sat 8:00pm / Sun 4:00pm
Adress : Theatre of Yugen (2840 Mariposa St, San Francisco)